Release – Melcher Media & Design acquires Wikid Games, read the press release here.



The Value we bring to the Table


“It’s the new way to advertise”


Using games to promote and brand a company or deliverable is extremely alternative and fresh in a world where the standard methods of advertising have become obvious and avoidable.


“People will want to play & will not feel like they are being “attacked” by advertising”


This advertising medium is very adaptable and will have appealing aspects for a very large and diverse market segment.


“It creates a competitive advantage”


Since this is such a new medium, many (if not all) of your competitors will not have a competing product and thus it will also act as a brand differentiator and competitive advantage.


“It will enhance your brand image”


Incorporating interactivity into a representation of a brand will create the perception of innovation, technical prowess, customer appreciation and overall quality. A unique and interactive game simply seems like a prestigious and future-oriented offering in the customer’s eyes.


“It will be a gateway to your campaign”


Effective marketing campaigns have a “call to action” and attempt to educate customers as opposed to just “sell”. Having an interactive game can be a “lightning rod” and attract customers to mediums such as websites where information and education is focused and strategic.


“It’s cost effective & cheaper than other forms of advertising”


An interactive game is scalable and adaptive to all budgets. From a cost comparison perspective, this medium will be much more affordable than the standard approaches (ie. TV, radio, print and outdoor).